Handouts for Restorative Justice: Promoting Healing & Repairing Harm
February 27, 2025
- Introduction to Restorative Justice, U.S. District Court, District of Massachusetts
- The Psychological Impact of Restorative Justice Practices on Victims of Crimes—a Systematic Review (2022 article; systematic review of positive impact of participation in restorative justice by victims)
- Can Restorative Justice Conferencing Reduce Recidivism? Evidence From the Make-It-Right Program (2024 article; empirical study of random controlled trial of restorative intervention for youth ages 13 to 17 facing felony charges)
- The State of Restorative Justice in American Criminal Law (2020 article; systematic review and analysis of restorative justice in state legislation)
- Restorative Justice Diversion as a Structural Health Intervention in the Criminal Legal System (2023 article; the use of restorative justice in juvenile diversion to positively impact offender health)
- Restorative Justice Program and Practitioner Map (NACRJ) (location of programs and practitioners)
- Restorative Justice Laws Database (NCRJ) (state legislation database)
- Restorative Federal Criminal Procedure (2021 article; J. Sorokin (author) about the MA program)
- What is Restorative Justice? (short primer including graphics about restorative justice from the University of Wisconsin-Madison Law School which has the largest and longest standing clinic)